Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Harbinger of Vampire Folklore

I tried desperately to come up with a profile title that would outdo The BDA there, but his is way esoteric. I guess I'll have to make due with the fact that mine's longer. HA! Take that you lactating fruitbat. Spell monograms with spagetti-O's, and drive to Loredo with your sister in the backseat. Alas, poor Yoorick (sic?), there is but one life to live, so live yet well, and pass the cheese dip.
I am the Harbinger of Vampiric folklore, scaring children and titilating teens since the 18th century. Did you know that in Slavic vampire folklore vampires could take the form of butterflies? I kid you not!
All in all, it's just as useless but twice as fruitless. That's a tricky second act, let me tell you. Yes, I am only partially making sense, but which part?
The BDA thought it would be good for me to interact with people more, and since I haven't left my apartment in a year and a half, this was his best solution. A collective blog. Yeh gods and little fishes!

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