Saturday, March 1, 2008

On hold

When even I can't get around to posting here, you know we're not getting anywhere, but I'm not giving up on this idea. We're just gonna put the whole thing on hold for a little while, and hopefully this summer we'll bust back in with reviews and new members and all kinds of good stuff. I say this not for any reason other than my own obssessive need for closure on open-ended things. It's been agreed amongst the members that we all feel we don't have the time for this right now, but I still felt like I had to write and say something about what was going on, if just to increase my overall posting number (I've already hit one hundred posts across my multiple blogs this year). Very silly indeed, but then again who amongst us doesn't have just a little bit of vanity and pride about something in their lives. Cast the first stone, if you can unblemished.